This article has been sourced and the author of this blog is a pet lover himself and has created over thousands of finches information video and has also written a couple of eBooks about finches information
The title of this article sounds like the ending of a rhyme whereby the conclusion to a riddle is " A Parrot to Buy". Nevertheless, the riddle's mystery remains. Why do people acquire such creatures as fish and birds as pets? I believe the answer can only rest with the reason being "companionship". However, do pets such as parrots make good pets or companions if you prefer.
Parrots have some unique characteristics that must be considered if one is planning an adoption.
Depending on your age when you adopt a feathered companion, it must be considered that parrots have extreme longevity when compared to other pets. Some species of parrots can live as long as 80 years, far surpassing the ordinary pet. It is well advised, that prior to adoption, one studies the longevity of the various parrot species and considers this factor before adoption.
Parrots to some extent exhibit a true uniqueness among pets. Their mentality, personality, and in some instance speaking ability is likened to that of a 2-3 year old human. Aside from the cuteness this brings to mind, one must not forget the terrible 2's that many children go through. Parrots of many species can throw an extremely good tantrum when the situation demands such. Most instances of parrot misconduct can be explained if one looks hard enough. Most tantrums are associated with fear to some extent. The fear can come about by being put in a new location, by being approached by an unknown human or other pet, by changes to the bird's routine. The list of things that may frighten your bird are numerous and caution must be taken so as not to put the bird in a situation of being afraid.
Other Factors
There are numerous other factors that must be considered in parrot adoption.
· Cage size - Prior to adopting a parrot one must consider the species being adopted and the size of the bird at full growth. Cage size would then be determined by this factor. The size requirements of these creatures is quite different for the Macaw versus the parakeet. Price is also a factor.
· Location - Now that one has considered the size of the cage.......Where are you going to put it? The location should be in or near an area of family gathering and activity as parrots are very social creatures. However, one must also account for the fact that once dusk arrives the birds require a quiet, dark place to sleep. Watching late night television will not do, unless one wants a cranky parrot on their hands.
· Environment - Common among many of the parrot species is that they don't particularly care for small children. I believe this goes along the lines that children easily frighten them. One must also consider other household pets as a possible disturbance to your parrot.
· Care and feeding - Parrots require a combination of foods to be truly healthy. You should consider that in the wild they eat a variety of seeds, fruits, and other natural items. In a home environment the typical diet will consist of seeds, vitamin enriched pellets, fruits and vegetables. If that sounds like a shopping list, then you must keep in mind that there is some food cost associated with these animals.
· Medical care - Yes that's correct, medical care. These creatures can get ill and may need a trip to the local vet. As a matter of routine they should periodic physical scheduled to ensure their good health.
· Entertainment - As mentioned earlier parrots are very social animals, and as such need a lot of attention. In addition, one must provide their cage with a variety of toys to entertain the bird. Often a bird's squawking is simply to get attention because the bird is bored.
· Maintenance - The maintenance of the bird's surroundings will be your responsibility. Included in these tasks will be cleaning the cage and surrounding areas and may involve some scrubbing of perches and toys to remove the birds droppings and keep the cage as sanitary as possible. A word of caution before you do any cleaning however. Be sure the cleaning chemicals you use anywhere near the bird or bird's cage are not toxic or dangerous to the bird. You wouldn't want an extra trip to the vet just for a cleaning product.
The Perfect Parrot for You
Well after all this discussion about the shortcomings and tasks involved with parenting a parrot if you are still committed to adoption please do your homework. If you're adopting from breeder research that breeder, talk to prior customers, etc. Study the various species of birds to get a better idea of what may fit your home environment. Talk to other parrot owners of the breed you're thinking of and learn their idiosyncrasies and habits. Take time to make your decision because your choice will most likely be living with you for most of your life.
Now that we have solved the riddle, I say to you...... A Parrot to Buy.
If you'd like to take a look at some of the various species of parrots, you can view them at this gallery of images.
To learn more about parrots, and if you're looking for a parrot to buy the is a great resource. Article Source: |
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